Finding the positive amongst the negative...

Its been a crazy last couple of months for Flint, MI (more accurately, couple of years...).  With  the lead water crisis still full speed ahead...  It seems that the voice of the people most effected can get lost in the political football that this tragedy has become.  Ive been commissioned to do some work promoting the #FLINTFWD initiative.  With the help and support of the Hagerman Foundation, Skypoint Ventures, Phire Group, and, the Flint community, Digital Alchemy Films was able to produce a series of smaller spots promoting our citizens.  This has been tough on all of us here in Flint but, we fight back!  Those that have been here for the long haul endure and are stronger for the journey.  People say Detroit hustles harder...  Flint is harder.  We will get through this.  Were not leaving.  We will resurrect from the ashes even tougher than before.  Though this tragedy is terrible, it has brought us together like never before.

The script for this spot was crafted from words sent in from the people of Flint.  Its pretty awesome and I must say I am proud of it.  Was nice to direct and shoot this.

Please take the time to check out flintfwd.com

Photo Cred: Mike Naddeo

The spot...